Yes, I am lame. I have not kept up with updating like I should. Do I get credit for having several drafts waiting to be finished and published? Probably not...
Well, whenever I talk to my daddy, he always asks the same question: "Any new pictures?" So this is for you Dad...
Our 4th of July celebration with the girls at Rahab's House (celebrated with them on the 3rd but whatever...) |
Seriously, how scary right? No joke, the girls almost caught Jayme and me on fire at least two times each, but they had fun and that's what matters right? |
Since we can't post faces online, I thought this captured the essence of the night without revealing too much. This was a lot of fun! |
Our 4th of July celebration just us American staff (actually held on the 5th...) We got rained out and had to take the fireworks to my room and shoot them out of the third story window. A few singe marks on the bed and floor, and my room smelled like smoke for a week, but totally worth it! |
The fireworks outside the window. We called the girls at Rahab's House, and they all went out onto their balcony and watched them in the rain from down the street. It was a fun night for all. |
Steve and Lygia shooting the fireworks. Moments later, the wick shot out of the back end of this still lit into the room. The burn marks are still on my floor. (Don't worry, no one was hurt during the production of this album...) |
The beginnings of our newly developed Kids' Club. We've had between 20-30 kids everyday at Rahab's, so as of today, we have a Kids' Club. That's how we do here in the bode. |
Jayme's going away party. There was this really cool restaurant right by our house that made really great food for a really good price, and had a great atmosphere. Unfortunately, it ran out of food about two weeks ago and is now permanently out of business. |
These are not actually our girls, since I can't post pictures of them, but this is a really good representation of our massage parlor girls. I know the picture is small (I did that on purpose), but if you notice the red circles on the shirts, that is a number. A customer can go in and pick a girl based on her number. It is the same in the karaoke clubs. Girls lined up with numbers and you pick one. We've recently been granted access to two massage parlors we've never been welcomed at before. In fact we're hoping to start an English class on one of the massage parlor campuses! |