So it is officially the rainy season here. (Although to be clear, I have been told that rainy season lasts 8 months and this is the 'light rainy season' followed by the 'heavy rainy season')
We have begun doing daily outreach where we go buy some fruit and bring it to a karaoke club near us. There are often at least 10 girls playing cards and hanging out, so Bella and I go and visit with them. We do this five times a week, and have begun to be expected, and I would even go so far as to say we are welcomed most days.
This week, we have a medical clinic going on and needed to pass out fliers to the karaoke girls as well as to the surrounding community. So Bella and I set out on our bikes to pass out fliers, buy fruit and then go visit with the girls. We got about a block into our journey when it started to pour rain. We thought about trying to wait out the rain, but decided it would be better just to hurry on our bikes. As we were riding, the rain was coming down in huge drops. The wind was blowing hard, making it difficult to stay going in a straight path and making the rain sting. It was hard to see and if you can possibly believe it- it was getting chilly. Over the sound of the wind and rain, I hear Bella singing "Oh happy day! Happy day! You wash my sins away!" In the middle of what could have been a potentially discouraging moment, Bella was singing praise songs! I was so proud of her! We spent the rest of our bike riding trip praising God.
When we got to the karaoke club, we were soaked. Drowned rats might be too harsh, but you get the idea. The girls there couldn't have been nicer. I was warned it takes awhile for the girls to trust, and even longer for them to treat you normally instead of as a foreigner. I don't know if it was the fruit, the drenched clothing, or more likely the grace of God, but the girls did something that has never happened before- they didn't offer me the red chair, they had me sit on the ground by them! This may not seem like a big deal, but it has so made my day. As if that wasn't enough, Bella was able to join in their conversation a little and was sharing in their jokes AND they stopped their card game to talk to me in broken English!!!!! Oh God is so good!
I know it might seem like little stuff, but let me tell I have never seen God more than I have by watching the little stuff. I see Him singing in the rain, sitting on the ground, and the pause in the card game. He's so in the little things, and I am so blessed by it!