When I got there, the whole downstairs smelled like rotten meat (a telltale sign that a Khmer party was a good one). Jayme and I set out to clean. I moved a shelf in an attempt to clean the floor thoroughly, but when I did a cockroach came scurrying out. Someone who sounded a lot like me screamed and jumped back. Jayme came running in to my defense, and upon finding out that it was a cockroach that had scurried past me, ran just as quickly back out of the kitchen. When Jayme came back, she was armed with a can full of Raid and held the can lethally close to the intruder as she released half the can on it. Meanwhile I smacked at it with the broom I was holding; both of us screaming.
I know what you're thinking. "What a heroic story Brittnay. How incredible that two grown women killed such a vial creature!" And you're right. It never stood a chance. What can I say, we're legit...
No, but really. The cool thing happened last night. We held a party, an outreach so to speak, for the local community and the karaoke girls specifically. We had music, games and food out of the wazzoo. Since we've never thrown a Khmer party before, I'll admit, I was a little nervous at how it would turn out, but God showed up. We had several Karaoke girls we knew, and some we had never seen before come. Some students from our English school, and even a random German tourist came (which was a little weird, but kinda funny). The night went so well! People had fun and felt welcomed. There was singing, dancing, games, a raffle and a lot of laughing. It was such a blessing to see the joy that people were experiencing and it was such a gift that it was at Rahab's House. Our salon was jammed packed last night, and people hung out for hours. I pray that this is only the beginning of things to come!
So after being apart of last night, and then also being apart of this mornings clean up of last night, I can safely say that last night's fun was definitely worth this mornings cockroach find.